Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Arrival of Our Newest Family Member

Our newest family member arrived on July 4th. She makes a total of 8 grandchildren for Griff and me. Mom and babe are home and doing well. We are really looking forward to getting back and seeing the new and the "old".

In the meantime we are still anchored outside of St Georges and still doing the social thing. We ended up organizing a trip up to an "Oildown" up towards Westerhall. We went last year and put pictures up on the web so will just put a couple of people pictures this time. Actually when we first started talking to people about it we were just going to ask the people who went to the Chinese dinner with us (total 12). To make a long story short - we ended up with 45 people plus there were a lot more locals there this time so it was quite the occasion for "limin".
We went with Cutty (the local taxi/tour guru) down to his house and got a whole passel of mangoes, pineapples, bananas and some breadfruit. Griff also got a whole bunch of red ant bites when he walked through a colony of them in his modified crocs while getting the fruit. Cutty's back yard is like a jungle on a very steep slope but it has a huge amount of fruit of various kinds back there. Not like Canada for sure.

Anyway, the main purpose of this blog was to show off the new Granddaughter so enjoy!!!!


songjason said...


alinorm said...

What a gorgeous new little person. Congratulations! Bet you can't wait to see her. Love the blogs and the photos! Big Uncle Norm sends his love as do we.

CAYO said...

congratulations shes beautiful nothing in the world like grandchildren is there. great pictures.

Judy Hughes said...

What a gorgeous Baby Cheryl ...I think I see some of you in her lovely face..Congratulations Grandma ..wish we could have experienced the oildown event local in nature
Looking forward to seeing you in the Fall
Luv ya, Judy

Julie Perry said...

Wow! She is so cute. Her face looks all knowing. Adorable! Congratulations. So happy for you all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa!!! Eva is beautiful!! Grandchildren bring such a delightful new perspective to our lives. We are sure you are anxious to meet her in person. We suspect she is going to adore you both!!

Aleitha and Randy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of the family! We are looking so forward to seeing you in September. We will be in the 'Merry-times in August. How about a round of golf?
The Gunns

gobiggygo said...


So was the oil down any good? The Perrys had fun at theirs but said it did not taste that good.