Saturday, August 2, 2008

To Market, To Market ..........

This morning we were up at the crack of dawn, 0530, to join a group going to the big Saturday market. Basically a farmer's market. Lots of fresh produce. Not a whole lot of variety, but lots of different vendors to buy from. Some of the produce available was local, but some was imported from the states and Chile. There were tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, breadfruit, hot peppers of various colours, yams, bananas, dasheen, papaya, spices, okra, long beans and regular green beans, and a few things that we had no idea what they were. These were for sale inside at tables as well as outside from the backs of pick-up trucks. We bought a few staple veggies and then just wandered around. In one part of the market we didn't go into they were selling clothing. In another part was the meat and fish for sale. We did walk through there. It reminded me a little of the 'meat street' in Athens only not as busy or clean. The meat vendors did not have many customers, however, the fish sellers were doing a brisk business. We still haven't got up the courage to buy any fresh fish mainly because I'm not confident in how to cook it so it will taste good. We saw small shark, about two feet long, one that was completely flat, another piece that was only part of a bigger fish, and many shrimp. On the way back to the bay we stopped at the HiLo Supermarket to pick up such essentials as bread, milk, eggs and meat.



One Monstrous Piece of Fish


One thing about having a white deck is as most things white it shows the dirt more than the teak deck did. Yesterday Griff took advantage of a thunderstorm to swab the decks. This was after we watched the storm roll in over the "mountains". Lots of thunder, which is usual, but this time we also saw lots of lightening. We were also able to collect more water, 12 litres. We had been told that after a big rain we could expect lots of garbage in the bay, supposedly run-off from the land. Sure enough today I looked west from the boat and could see this line of brown across the bay. It arrived at our boat shortly after and it definitely was garbage complete with a blue garbage barrel. We hadn't seen it that bad before. Griff cringed and then ran and moved the dinghy so that the garbage didn't get caught between the boat and the dinghy.

Later in the day we stopped in to talk to Bill and Leona, on Voyageur C, a 35 ft Island Packet from Halifax. Actually they were from Edmonton but have lived in Halifax for many years and sailed the east coast a fair amount. We made arrangements for me to meet with Leona to go to town on Monday to look at fabric for re-covering our interior cushions. They also want us to go over to the marina to play Mexican Train dominoes. We may go and watch!! On Monday Griff will stay with the boat and tidy up while he waits for the hatch cover man to call.
Never an idle moment!!

The past couple of days Griff has been a Good Samaritan and helped a number of boats pick up their mooring balls. Today he helped Denny. Unfortunately it did not work out well. Denny mans his boat by himself so he was on deck picking up the line and no one was at the helm. The current caught his boat and it drifted towards a catamaran that was mooring ball. Griff managed to get the dinghy between the two boats, but the bow of Jubilant bumped one of the cat's stanchions and knocked it loose. Denny decided to fore go the mooring balls and went back to Scotland Bay until Monday when he will return to check out of Trinidad and settle with the cat's owner for repairs.

After the Storm

1 comment:

songjason said...

sheesh, careful on that dingy!!

I can't believe that garbage either, pretty nasty