Sunday, July 13, 2008

Something New

We are now in Mt. Irvine Bay, Tobago - a quiet little anchorage. We are the only sailboat anchored here. There are about 6 fishing boats anchored, but we have only seen one fisherman who was working on his engines. Onshore there are a few buildings - a beach resort, a water-sport business and some other shops further down the beach. As I said, a quiet little place. The only problem with being small and quiet is there is no internet access. Therefore, we are trying out a new way, for us, to
post this blog. I am composing it as a word document, then copying it and pasting it into an e-mail and sending it to our blog site that way. The e-mail is being sent via our SSB (single side band) radio. This is like a 'Ham' radio. There is no way for us to tell if it is sent or not. If you are reading this within a day or two after July 13 then you know it was sent. If you comment on the blog site then we will know it arrived when we next can access the internet.
While in this bay we hope to do some golfing and exploring more of the island. So far I have gone swimming around the boat and Griff has been working on the windlass which shorted out when we lifted anchor yesterday.


CAYO said...

I am reading your blog on Sunday afternoon at 12.02 .So it must have worked o.k..
luv Cayo

songjason said...

isn't technology great every once in a while?

Julie Perry said...

Wow!! so exciting! it worked. you are in contact 24/7. Love it.

Brenda said...

You are soooo technologically savvy. I envy you!
We're heading off for a 10 day vacation in Windermere on Tuesday, but will catch up with your adventures when we return.
Happy sailing!