Well, as Cheryl mentioned last blog, we had visitors - very special visitors - for the last 3 1/2 days. She already mentioned the beginning when G&J,A&M and Artemo had problems and she mentioned the turtle watch so this will just be a short blog so we can put some pictures of the visit up and share a little about what it meant.
As already mentioned, it took the actual sight of family to make obvious how much we missed them and all of our friends and family. We had a taste of it when Aleitha and Randy came and went so it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise but it kind of was.
Monday aftermoon, after everyone had settled down from the adventure and Artemo was re-anchored a bit closer to the beach, we all went ashore and eventually went up to eat at the Dodgy Dock on True Blue Bay. We had anchored in that Bay prior to putting the boat up so knew about the food and atmosphere - which were both really good - and we also had not enjoyed the food, prices or conviviality at "De Big Fish", the restaurant in the area of where the boat was up.
The Dodgy Dock is close to where Cheryl and I stayed so after we ate, Alex and Amelia decided to stay with us there while Graham and Julie had some quiet time. The kids were looking forward to TV, A/C and of course Millie, being the cutie she is, was very quick to take advantage of the shower.
Tuesday we all got together over the day at various times and places as I was working for a bit on the boat, Graham needed to find a hardware( ACE) and NAPA store and Julile, Cheryl and the kids did their thing. We ended the daylight part of the day by all going over to Prickly Bay Marina for pizza before we left to go turtle watching.
Wednesday I was again on the boat, Cheryl was doing our last laundry at the apartment and the Perry's slept in and then relaxed. They came to land for a while and then Julie and the kids hit the beach where we joined them later in the day for some fun in the water. Very relaxing for us. For supper we again went to the Dodgy Dock and then all went to ground pretty quickly. We had the boat to put in the water the next day and the Perrys had to prepare for Julie and the kids flying back.
Thursday I was at the boat pretty well all day. There was a delay of launch due to circumstances so we didn't get in the water until about 4. That gave Graham a chance to get to the Napa store again while Julie, Cheryl and the kids took the local bus down to Grand Anse to see the beach and also so Cheryl could stock up with meats and spoilables to put on the boat.
I cannot express properly how positive and loved and "family-supported" this visit left us feeling. Even though we get great support and affirmation by internet from family and friends, to have that in the flesh is so great, In a sense the visit reinforced that the people still at home provide the same great feelings, just in a different way. So thanks to the Perrys for not only the visit but also for the reminder of what we are so lucky to have and thanks to you all for being there.
Sounds like a lovely reunion. It is kind of fun to know about the area you are referring to. The turtle watch sounded fascinating. How long to Tobago?
The boat looks great. I imagine we will see some more pics of the finished product!
Missing you too,
Aleitha and Randy
We had a great time to. Can't wait to come back and spend more time with you guys. Great pics.
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