We splashed on Thursday. As Griff mentioned before we were booked to go in at 2PM, but they had an emergency haul out of a 'cat' that was having problems. The problems were actually fixed without hauling it out, but then another 'cat' came in and they hauled it out before putting us in.
I was surprised at how emotional it was for me to see Mystic Journey up on the lift and then back in the water. To start the splash they first put her onto the smaller lift. The one they use to put a boat up for storage. It enables them to place the boats quite close together. Then she was transferred to the lift with the slings so she could be lowered into the water. Just before they lowered her into the water, they applied the final touches to the anti-fouling paint on the keel. This was where the keel had been resting on the supports.
The video shows the last part of the splash when she actually goes into the water. The last scene is of Griff stepping onto the boat.
I (Griff) just wanted to add a bit to the bottom of this blog about the trip to St David's with Graham on Artemo. I had not realized all of the effects that this whole sailing thing had been having on me and probably still don't but I discovered something as a result of the trip.
Even though we had finally gotten the boat back in the water and I was feeling good about once more living in our home away from home, there was still a niggly going on for me. Lo and behold I discovered that it is not enough to just be on the water - I need to be sailing on the water.
When Graham and I took Artemo, Graham was gracious enough to allow me to take the helm for the whole trip. We had been checking the weather and although the forecast said fairly heavy seas and varied wind patterns, there was no break in the unsettled weather forecast for the week ahead so we decided to go ahead. Sure enough we had seas, mostly from the east, with swells up around 3 meters and the wind also almost directly from the east so we ended up motor sailing and tacking a fair amount. After about the first hour I realized that the uneasiness or the unfulfilled feelings I had been experiencing were leaving and I mentioned to Graham that this sail was exactly what I needed to get totally back on track. Amazing discovery!!!
To finish, we made St Davids safely, got Artemo settled and I came back to Cheryl and Mystic Journey feeling much better and with some new insight into myself. What more could one ask of a day!!
I have been trying to think of your journey in a different light.... I have really felt that you are "on vacation" and therefore I didn't feel a need to comment very much or stay in touch, since you are away, and having a good time, and doing what you want. I never had anyone stay in touch with me even on my longest outing of a month. So I read your blogs and enjoy the adventures surreptitiously I guess the word would be. Then I read your blog about hearing from family and seeing family and being so glad. After that I thought of your trip differently. It's like you've moved to a new place and you need to know you still have your ties and those who love you wishing you good things every day. So I do. I read today (Pema Chodran) that when we face annihilation, we find that part of us that is indestructable. Now the trip isn't annihilation, but those big waves would be close enough for me, so I hope you are finding the parts of you that make you survivors and not just that, but people who LIVE and LIVE BIG!
Hi guys, we've been away so just caught up on your last 4 blog entries. What a great time you're having and glad you both have such a great way with words. The "splash" clip was great too. Stay safe and keep on trucking.
Iagree with Holly about your trip it sounds wonderful and interesting. But give me a cedar strip , fishing pole and a view that includes land and i would be happy, no three meter waves for me.
keep safe luv yu
Graham and I can't thank you guys enough for looking out for us while we were there and lending a hand! Great blog.
Hey I like the video, but where was the "splash"? Didn't even get to see it go in the water!!
Oh well, I'm happy your back with the fishes on the open water.
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