Friday, March 28, 2008

A Surprise for the Perrys

Hi all - well, although we made it out of Montsarrat, once we rounded the north corner of the island, we realized that the wind and seas weren't as forecast and we had some pretty big swells working against us and that the wind was not coming from the direction promised. Consequently we would have gotten to Guadaloupe sometime in the middle of the night so we decided to go with the wind Gods and we headed for Antigua. So here we are, with some recent pictures of Artemo for the Perry family to ooh and aah over. It looks great guys.

The trip here was good, winds about 20 kts and seas varying between 2 and 10 ft but from our port side and somewhat to front. We sailed close reach pretty well all the way, meaning the wind was from as far to the front as possible and still allow us to make headway. confusing sentence but there you are.

This is a short blog because we wanted to get the news out of our change in plans. A longer one is coming with maybe some video (don't hold me to that but we will try).

By the way, for the folks that said they liked having the map - kudos to Jason - his brilliant idea and his work to put it thereand also for the instructions on how to keep it up.


Julie Perry said...

thanks for the pictures of my baby! Graham will be emailing with some requests :). Glad to hear you had a good sail.

songjason said...

hey guys,

that's awesome that you're visiting the Perry's boat! I'm glad you're keeping the map up to date too. I really like knowing where you guys are all the time.

just another way to feel close when you're so far away.

now let's see that video blog!!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi again,

I am still enthralled with everything the two of you are doing and have done. Glad to hear that you are not as afraid but still careful. Have a great day and keep those notes a coming. Grace