Leaving East End/Fat Hog Bay
Oops!!! This is actually my last view of Mystic Journey
Saturday evening was an early to bed since I had to get up at 4:00 AM to get the airport for 5:00. I had asked the Liat desk if I really had to be there that early since it was a Sunday morning and it was the only flight out and they insisted I had to. In actual fact I guess that only applied to passengers since none of the staff got there before 5:30. It gave me a chance to weigh all my luggage, however, and re-arrange a bit so that even though I was overweight, it was distributed through the bags and it worked because they didn't charge me any extra for that. I suppose the fact they charged me $120 US for having extra bags (Liat allows only one) may have influenced them.
I had to fly to St Maarten via Antigua/St Kitts - and my reservations were another story. Originally when I had checked availability and cost of Liat to St Maarten and Westjet from there to Calgary via Toronto, the cost had been $64 for the first flight and $304 for the second. As well, the flight from Tortola to St Maarten was direct and left at noon. Pretty good eh?? Well, I didn't book that day because I had to confirm my haulout dates. When I went back to book 2 days later - and keep in mind this was 6 weeks before my flights - the costs were $118 for the first (via Antigua/St Kitts leaving at 7:00 AM) and the second flight was $540. Poor me - poor, poor me!!!Made it to Antigua, where I spent an hour or so, and then on to St Kitts (didn't get off) and finally to St Maarten where about 12 of us were informed that not all our luggage came with us because the plane was too full. We had to do paperwork and the lady assured me that if the luggage got there before my Westjet plane left, it would be loaded directly and if not they would forward it to any address I wanted. Funny, there are always jerks and in this case there were 2 - one Brit and one snotty young islander lady who were totally off the wall with this poor lady who had nothing to do with the luggage being late. I finally told the guy to go somewhere else and complain to someone who could do something about it. The rest of us didn't want to hear it. Well, I had gotten up early!!!! And he did!!
Nice flight from St Maarten to Toronto although the TVs were not working. The book I had lost in Tortola (forgot to mention that) had been replaced in St Maarten so I read and played DS.
Rob very kindly met me at the airport and we went to his place for the evening. Since Cheryl and I had left a bag at Robs the last time we went through I was back to 3 bags but we had made arrangements for Jason to pick up the extra one when he visits later this spring. I took one of the bags upstairs so I could take the one that had been at Rob's home, since I had no winter clothes to wear. Of course the bag I left at Rob's had stuff I needed so that didn't work out well but again Rob came through and later in the month shipped it via Greyhound. The other bag was sent by Liat but as Cheryl already mentioned, they only sent it as far as Calgary, where Leila and Ryan came to the rescue.
Well, I had intended this blog to be mostly about getting home but as I said - longwinded!! so I will start another blog about that shortly, since you are likely mostly asleep now. Sorry about that!!
Cheryl here - I arrived at the Calgary airport not knowing any of the above. I waited at the door I knew Griff would be coming through. It was amazing to watch him come down the escalator and see his face break into a grin when he spotted me. What a homecoming!!!!!